You project success guaranteed under our advisory services - A Vow to Wow!
Reach Us: +918309470955 /
Implementing or upgrading ERP is an investment and effort that begins with strategic planning and extends into implementation and well beyond. Companies should seek to implement SAP ERP solution (like S/4HANA) based on size of operations, that helps integrate seamlessly business processes and technology. APTWORKS (Click on the link) helps you to boost the business value.
Our Enterprise-Grade ERP Advisory Services for S/4HANA CoE (Click on the link):
- Building rigor in the APT methodology delivery that is fundamentally the focus areas for "Wow!" factor
Our advisory services for Partner's delivery CoE (Click on the link) for facilitating leadership in:
- PMO@msProjects
- Solution Delivery
- Solution Audits with RTM (Requirement Tracebility Matrix)
- Competent Resource Augmentation
- AGILE Incremental Build
- AGILE Iterative Demos
- Rigorous Unit and Integration testing
- Building a feasible Cut-Over and Go-Live Strategy
Our SAP Advisory Services for customer eco-system:
- SAP technology enablements are business improvement projects of limited scope aimed at specific business processes needing review, redesign and sustainable improvement through the implementation of SAP solutions.
Our advisory services for customer eco-system include facilitating leadership in:
- Building Preparedness of project core team (PCT)
- Enabling to build KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) at processes level and integrating them to organizational BSC (Business Score Card)
- Prepare PCT on the transformation journey
- Prepare PCT on Business Best Practices and ensure Subject Matter Experts (SME) are in driver's seat
- Prepare PCT on the Master Data Strategy
- Prepare PCT on APT Methodology
- Prepare PCT on SLA (Service Level Agreement) based Sustenance support
Reach Us: +918309470955 /
To engage in the business of providing advisory, recommendation and solution delivery services for implementing efficient enterprise-grade ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) business solutions for organizations.
We also train Project core team (PCT) members in project management and cutting edge sustainable technologies for productive delivery by various modes (onsite/offshore/hybrid) to domestic and international clients of various sizes.
APTWORKS focuses on Project Management and Solution delivery services required for Digital Transformation and Change Management in the following areas of focus:
1. SAP S/4HANA Intelligent ERP
2. Big Data
3. Analytics
4. Artificial Intelligence
5. Machine Learning
6. Blockchain
APTWORKS will help in going full circle with you facilitating from Discovery phase to Go-Live of your solution and building a successful sustenance model. We will also facilitate in bringing together skills required for leveraging solution by integrating all the systems to run the business.
We achieve success by deploying APT Managers equipped with APT skills with AGILE mind-set and competency in APT methodologies/tools/templates that come from APTWORKS.
APTWORKS also ensures that your Business Transformation Mission seamlessly meets your long-term Vision by casting a solid Digital foundation envisioned by your organisation by being your true Project Management Partner in your journey.
Project Management is being passionate about following these three principles (3Ls) and practicing them rigorously for delivering success:
1. Principle#1 *Listen to your customer, empathizing the Pain areas
2. Principle#2 *Leverage the technology, foundation for Intelligent Enterprise
3. Principle#3 *Liberate the solution, highly Integrated, Scalable, Agile, Predictive and SMART
Our PM skills, maturity & empathy working with clients from project inception to Client Delight is a result our "Vow to Wow"? by doing it Right the First Time, Every Time!
- Delivering only the APT solution that WORKS for customers. (Click on the link)
- Leverage Aptworks IT services and solutions to successfully capitalize on global opportunities for your enterprise. (Click on the link)